A Jim Shore Easter

Seasons are a wonderful gift. It’s hard to choose a favorite, and no real reason to try. They’ll change whether we like it or not! And there’s a lot to love in each one. Fall has Thanksgiving and Halloween and beautiful leaves. Summer the 4th of July, warm nights and sunny days. Winter of course Christmas and snow and cozy evenings by the fire. But if you were to ask me right now I’d have to say spring is top of the heap. Flowers are blooming where I live. The temperature’s warming and the days are getting longer. Kids are playing outside, dreaming up adventure and wondering what the Easter bunny might bring. It’s a fun time of year.

Of course there’s more to spring than just flowers and bunnies and being able to walk outside without a jacket. Spring brings Easter, a time of hope, of promises fulfilled and redemption of the spirit. It’s a season of quiet reflection and joyous celebration. In short, glorious! Our wish, from my family to yours, is that you experience all the joys of this special time, that you are renewed in hope and sustained in faith. In this wonderful season of Easter, and in all the seasons to come.

Here’s a short video of me talking about some of the things our family does to celebrate Easter. Take a look and let me know what you think. Maybe share a few of your family traditions as well!

God Bless,
