Fall Is A Time For Color

Don’t get me wrong, I love Summer. It’s one of my top 4 seasons of the year! But it’s now past Labor Day and it’s time to start thinking about Fall. The days are a little bit shorter, and while there’s no nip in the air just yet, everything growing seems to be riper by the minute. Kids are back in school, pretty soon it’ll be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and of course Christmas. I don’t like to get too far ahead of myself, but I do like looking forward. Anticipation is a wonderful thing!

Fall is of course a time for color. And Mother Nature isn’t timid in how she uses it! She uses orange with purples and reds and mixes in yellows with greens and every now and then throws in a surprise like fuchsia. I love those unexpected combinations, and I use them in my art. You can see that in these new statuary designs I created for Lowe’s, a flash of purple here, a magenta touch there, with lots of orange and maybe just a hint of lavender. It’s a reflection of the color I see in nature, a feast for the eyes! Like I say you can only find these new statuary pieces at Lowe’s. Take a look, I’ll think you’ll like what you see!

God bless,