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Jim's Blog

Jim's Family

Outside of the occasional surprise or two I’ve never been much for getting gifts. I’d rather give them away! I guess I’m just more comfortable with that side of the equation. So, in that respect Father’s Day isn’t that big a deal to me. What I like is that there’s usually a crowd of family around the house and I get to do some cooking. That’s plenty gift enough for me!

No, for me the best part about Father’s Day is that it focuses my thoughts on my own Dad, the lessons (sometimes hard) he taught and things he did (and sometimes just as importantly didn’t do) for me. I think of my Dad as a great man. Thoughtful and kind, honest and fair hearted. He had a can-do spirit that inspires me to this day, he thought anything was possible if you tried hard enough… and he was mostly right about that! He was the kind of man any son could look up to. I figure the best way to honor his memory is to try to be just as good an example for my kids and grandkids. I’ll never make it, but it’s a worthy goal.

So, here’s to my Dad and to all dads out there doing their best for their kids. Have a great Father’s Day.

God bless,
Jim Shore