Happy Mother's Day

One of great things about being a grandparent is seeing family traditions passed down from generation to generation. And it’s not just the big things like Christmas celebrations or weddings. They can be as simple as folding laundry or washing dishes the way mom did, or mowing the lawn like dad. And sometimes it’s just an attitude or approach to things. I love to see it when my daughters take on a creative project with the same meticulous care my mom brought to her quilting. It makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself, something lasting and meaningful.

Mother’s Day is a pretty big tradition in our house. It’s a chance to honor the women who brought us into the world and taught us so much about life. And it’s a chance to celebrate the next generation of mothers, my daughters, accomplished women of their own now, passing along the traits and attitudes that bring us all together as family. We’re blessed this year with a new addition, our daughter Kelli had a son, Austin, last December. It’s great to have him here with us, I already see a little of Kelli in him. It’s a mother’s gift.
Kelly and Austin
Austin in a Bucket