Meet Jim At A Signing Event

Jim Shore Signing EventI love to travel. I never get tired of it and I always seem to learn something new on every trip. It doesn’t matter if it’s my tenth time to Disneyland or the first time to Banff, it’s all great. There’s always something interesting to do or fun to see. So I get excited when we start putting together my event schedule every year, I look forward to it!

Jim Shore Signing EventBut more than just the travel, I love the chance to meet and talk with the people I actually work for. I can get pretty isolated working alone in a studio every day! It gets my creative juices flowing to hear your thoughts about subject matter or patterning or color choices. You’d be surprised to hear just how much of my finished art starts out in that kind of conversation. And it’s important (and inspirational) to me to hear how my work becomes a part of people’s lives and families. It’s humbling to hear how people display my work in their home, and an honor to know they think enough of it to give it to someone they love. We’ve finalized my travel for this year – click here to see a complete list and view photos from past events. All we have left to post are times for Disneyland and Disney World, and those are worth waiting for. So if you’re in the neighborhood of one of our events, please come out! I’d love to meet you.

God Bless, Jim Shore