My Special Day...

I guess it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a man with a wife and five daughters doesn’t have any secrets. I’m not complaining, God knows I wouldn’t trade with anyone. But it’s hard to be mysterious or take on airs with so many eyes on you and so many cell phones in the world. Even my moods are advertised for everyone to see. My daughter Robin sets out a figurine everyday at the studio to let everyone know my temper. I guess that’s okay… folks should be warned! But what bothers me is that with all the hundreds of examples of my work she has to choose from, the only two she ever uses are “Grumpy” and “Dopey”. So it’s not surprising that I can’t keep a low profile on a birthday! What started out as a simple celebration is turning into a fantastic time I’ll never forget, with well wishes and visitors from all over the world. I am truly humbled and felt very blessed. And I’m grateful for all the friendship and support I’ve received throughout what’s turning into a long life. Who knew?! I just want to say thank you to everyone! It’s not so bad growing older with the people you love! Now back to work, this is what I’m playing with today. It’s my birthday present to me!

God bless, Jim