Santa Figurine

Passionate About the Process

Passionate About the Process

A question I get asked a lot at appearances or signing events is if I have a favorite design. It’s a reasonable question, something you’d think I’d know right off the top of my head. But it’s really kind of hard to answer. I’m passionate about what I do, each piece is a new and different challenge. And I bring the same care and attention to a mini or an ornament that I do to a larger, more elaborate design. You see, I don’t just love the end result, I love the process of creating. So, my general answer is something to the effect of, “It’s the piece I’m working on right now!” It’s a safe answer… and it’s true! I don’t want to play favorites with my art and the truth is I don’t have to. I love them all!

That said, there are pieces that I think turn out just right! Like this new Collector’s Edition Santa titled Glad Tidings of Joy. Everything about him works just the way I envisioned, starting with the facial expression. The execution and detail on that work great. The color palette is warm and rich, with deep forest greens mixed with burgundy and gold. Then there are the design elements, some subtle and elegant with others brighter and, how shall I put it, more joyous! They all work together to keep your eyes moving across the entire piece, seeing something different and exciting every time you look. Like I said, this one turned out just right! Of course, I think I like the one I’m working on now even better!