Thanksgiving Trivia

It's time for our annual Thanksgiving trivia raffle. This started out as a family tradition in our house, a way to pass the time while prepping Thanksgiving dinner. It’s turned into something that’s been a lot of fun over the years… and very educational! All you need to enter is to comment on this blog with your favorite Thanksgiving trivia. Or go to my Facebook page and post there. Or both! We’re not sticklers for rules here! Things like Abraham Lincoln designated Thanksgiving as a national holiday… or sweet potatoes are more closely related to Morning Glories than regular potatoes. But don’t overthink this! Everyone who comments will be eligible, even if your favorite trivia is Thanksgiving's usually falls on a Thursday! We’ll do a random drawing from all responses on Wednesday and three lucky winners will receive this Pilgrim Riding a Turkey centerpiece. Good luck everyone! And keep the Thanksgiving trivia coming!