Santa on Motorcycle

Worldwide Events 2024

Worldwide Events 2024

I love to travel. It’s always fun and different and I always learn something new on every trip. It doesn’t matter if it’s my twentieth time to Disney World or the first time to Pigeon Forge, it’s all great.  So I get excited when we start putting together my signing event schedule for the year. Love the idea of me showing up as the “New Arrival” at a store near you!

But more than just the travel, I love the chance to meet and talk with the people I actually work for. And it’s important (and inspirational) to me to hear how my work becomes a part of people’s lives and families. It’s humbling to hear how people display my art in their home, and an honor to know they think enough of it to give it to someone they love. We’ve made some final decisions on my travel this year and posted dates and locations at Jim Shore Global Tours  It’s just a partial list, there will be more to come, including finalizing dates for Disney World! Take a look.  And if you’re in the neighborhood of one of our events, please come out! I’d love to get a chance to talk to you!

God Bless,

Jim Shore's signature